Indigo Prxject 2021 : RE:ROOT

the awakening


This year we evolved the concept ReRoot that we created in 2020 during the Pandemic to ReRoot the Awakening. This theme is all about the growth process after our hibernation and re-grounding period. How do we want to reawaken and rebuild ourselves and our world.

This theme was the central intention to every workshop and we weaved this into the storyline of the show. The first part of the project and show expressed the struggles during the pandemic and expressed a lot of the social justice issues our young people were experiencing around racism and prejudice. This laid the foundation for the show storyline and our second half was focused around solutions to creating the new world, a vision of peace, love, equality and joy for all.

The project and show was a great success, we also paid homage to our 10 year anniversary by showcasing a collection of all our work over the last 10 years.
